Saturday, November 13, 2010

Religion of it all

If ID is truly non religious as it claims to be, religion should never come into the debate.

Yet, it still happens that Intelligent Design will call those who accept evolution atheists to give a negative appearance (especially in religious America). Even in the face of many Christian churches (including the Catholic church) accepting evolution as being able to co-exist with their beliefs.

Also, as I said in my last post, they claim that ID should be taught because of the widespread acceptance of creationism--yet if someone draws parallels between the two they are very quick to dismiss any links existing.

It just seems to me that religion shouldn't even be a factor here at all, but the IDers cite religion only when it suits them--again having their double standards.

On a side note, I think everyone should try and get a hold of the paper I just read. Citation below!

ROSENHOUSE, J. & BRANCH, G. 2006. Media Coverage of “Intelligent Design”. Bioscience, 56, 247-252.

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