Friday, November 12, 2010

Interesting quote

I was reading a paper about including ID in the science curriculum and came across something that amused me. It talks about Michael Behe (the guy who thought up irreducible complexity) and his reasoning for including ID. In the first paragraph he is quoted, this is written:

He also asserted that “the theory of intelligent design is not a religiously based idea” and that “intelligent design itself says nothing about the religious concept of a creator.” He added that intelligent design is an elegant theory that is overwhelmingly and sensibly embraced by the public.
Right after this in the next paragraph he says:
Behe invoked the popularity of this idea as justification for its truthfulness. Because opinion polls  (Newport 2004) demonstrated that 45 percent of the American public believed in creationism and one-third were biblical literalists...
So basically he is saying ID is not religious, but it should be taught in schools because the religious concept of creation is believed by 45% of Americans, and 33% believe in taking the bible literally. Yep. Good logic, guy. 

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