Friday, October 29, 2010

Evol-ID in Gross's framework--Part 3

Today's post is about Turner's framework of controversies coming about from social dramas.

Human beings act in a ritualistic way. They repeat different acts and place special meanings on these acts without even really thinking about it. These rituals become a sequence of our daily lives, and function to prevent conflict. When these social rituals are deliberately challenged, this is when drama, or controversy, occurs.

So when IDers try and and have ID taught in science classes this is challenging a few social norms. They are challenging the idea of teaching good science in science class. They are challenging the first amendment (ie not teaching a single religion (if you accept the idea that ID is religion)). They are even challenging science's social norms by circumventing the normal methods of science.

These are all factors that can lead to the controversy starting/continuing.

Next will be Habermas and his framework.

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