Monday, September 20, 2010

What is ID really looking for?

While reading some of the stuff on Talk Rational I had an idea... Or maybe I read it there... Can't quite remember. But basically my thoughts were something like this. 

All the ID experiments observe aspects of nature and life and suggest that the only way these could come about is by design: Such complex body parts, such diverse life, and even using 'junk' DNA as evidence for a creator. Now I thought 'Well if that's the evidence that indicates there's a creator, what would you be looking for if there wasn't one?' To me, most of the evidence they give is anti-creator. The receptors in our eyes are back to front and the image is received upside down (with only the brain to compensate). There's a lot of DNA that seems to be leftover from having a use in other (more ancient) species, but serves no function in humans. Why even create fossils if dinosaurs never existed? You really need to go to those kind of lengths to 'test faith'? (Although I think that's more creationist than ID, so that's cheating a little.)

My point is, if things were designed intelligently, there would be nothing redundant. You don't see human designing cars or electronics with cords or motors that don't connect to anything or serve a purpose. Our car seats don't face backwards and have mirrors there for us to see forwards.

I just feel that if things were indeed designed, they could have been designed better.

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